
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 019 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-) (WHERE TIME Stood Still, Battle Probe, Sorcery +, XOR)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 019 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a2] (WHERE TIME Stood Still, Battle Probe, Sorcery +, XOR)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 019 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a3] (WHERE TIME Stood Still, Battle Probe, Sorcery +, XOR)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 019 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a] (WHERE TIME Stood Still, Battle Probe, Sorcery +, XOR)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 019 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[m LGD] (WHERE TIME Stood Still, Battle Probe, Sorcery +, XOR)
   * [ST] Cybernoid (1988)(Hewson) & WHERE TIME stood still (1988)(Ocean)(en-de)
   * [ST] Fuzion CD 010 (19xx)(Fuzion) (Rorkes Drift, Switch Blade, Space Racer, WHERE TIME stood still)
   * [ST] Revolution Menu 07 (19xx)(Revolution) (WHERE TIME Stood Still, Skateball, Psion Chess, ST Pool, Big Fun Demo)
   * [ST] SuperGAU Compilation 058 (19xx)(SuperGAU) (Nebulus, WHERE TIME Stood Still)
   * [STX] WHERE TIME Stood Still (1988)(Ocean)
   * [IPF] WHERE TIME Stood Still (Europe) (En,De)

PlanetEmu [?]:

   * [ST] Cybernoid (1988)(Hewson) & WHERE TIME stood still (1988)(Ocean)(En-De)
EmuParadise [?]:

   * [ST] WHERE TIME Stood Still (1988)(Ocean)
TheGameArchives [?]:

   * [ST] Cybernoid (1988)(hewson) & WHERE TIME stood still (1988)(ocean)(en de)
   * [ST] WHERETIMEstoodstill
AtariMania [?]:

   * [STX] WHERE TIME Stood Still
   * [ST] WHERE TIME Stood Still [WIP]
HangLoose [?]:

   * [ST] WHERE TIME Stood Still - Howdy
   * [ST] WHERE TIME stood still / battle probe / sorcery+ / xor
   * [ST] rorkesdrift / switchblade / spaceracer / WHERE TIME stood still
   * [ST] f15 strike eagle 1 / WHEREs TIME stod still / sas combat / buggy boy / sword and rose
   * [ST] WHERE TIME stood still
   * [ST] nebulus / WHERE TIME stood still

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