Download links are direct. Resume is supported. Download speed is low. * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 023 (1989)(LSD - Was -Not Was-) ((STE v.2) TURBO CUP, Strip Poker 3, Snafux, Flying Shark)
* [ST] Automation Menu Disk 023 (1989)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a2] ((STE v.2) TURBO CUP, Strip Poker 3, Snafux, Flying Shark)
* [ST] Automation Menu Disk 023 (1989)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a3] ((STE v.2) TURBO CUP, Strip Poker 3, Snafux, Flying Shark)
* [ST] Automation Menu Disk 023 (1989)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a] ((STE v.2) TURBO CUP, Strip Poker 3, Snafux, Flying Shark)
* [ST] Automation Menu Disk 023 v2.0 (19xx)(Automation) ((STE v.2) TURBO CUP, Strip Poker 3, Snafux, Flying Shark)
* [ST] Automation Menu Disk 023 v2.0 (19xx)(Automation)[a2] ((STE v.2) TURBO CUP, Strip Poker 3, Snafux, Flying Shark)
* [ST] Automation Menu Disk 023 v2.0 (19xx)(Automation)[a] ((STE v.2) TURBO CUP, Strip Poker 3, Snafux, Flying Shark)
* [ST] Automation Menu Disk 023 v2.0 (19xx)(Automation)[m LGD] ((STE v.2) TURBO CUP, Strip Poker 3, Snafux, Flying Shark)
* [ST] Fuzion CD 105 (1991)(Fuzion) (Lotus TURBO Challenge 2, Rugby : The World CUP)
* [ST] Fuzion CD 105 (1991)(Fuzion)[a] (Lotus TURBO Challenge 2, Rugby : The World CUP)
* [ST] I,Ball (1987)(Firebird) & TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[b]
* [ST] Pulsion CD 136 (19xx)(Pulsion) (Lotus TURBO Challenge II, Rugby The World CUP.)
* [ST] Vectronix Compilation 149 (19xx)(Vectronix) (TURBO CUP)
* [ST] Zuul 044 (19xx)(Zuul) (H.A.T.E, TURBO CUP, Action Fighter)
* [ST] Zuul 044 (19xx)(Zuul)[a] (H.A.T.E, TURBO CUP, Action Fighter)
* [STX] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)(FR)
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[cr Bladerunners][m Blue Soft][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[cr Bladerunners][m Copy Service Warsaw][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[cr Bladerunners][m EMT][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[cr French Ice][m Atariforce][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[one disk]
PlanetEmu [?]:
Click on Télécharger button to start download. Resume is supported. Download speed is high. * [ST] I,Ball (1987)(Firebird) & TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[b]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[cr Bladerunners][m Blue Soft][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[cr Bladerunners][m EMT][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[cr French Ice][m Atariforce][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[one disk]
EmuParadise [?]:
Click on Download Links on Quick Navigation for file list. Click on download link to start download. Some files may open new page to click download link again or to type code from image. Resume is supported. Download speed is medium. * [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)(fr)
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[cr Bladerunners][m Blue Soft][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[cr Bladerunners][m Copy Service Warsaw][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[cr Bladerunners][m EMT][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[cr French Ice][m Atariforce][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(Loriciel)[one disk]
TheGameArchives [?]:
Click on small disk image under banner to start download. Resume is supported. Download speed is high. * [ST] I,ball (1987)(firebird) & TURBO CUP (1988)(loriciel)[b]
* [ST] TURBOCUP msa rar msa
* [ST] TURBOCUP rar rar
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(loriciel)[cr bladerunners][m blue soft][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(loriciel)[cr bladerunners][m copy service warsaw][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(loriciel)[cr bladerunners][m emt][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(loriciel)[cr french ice][m atariforce][one disk]
* [ST] TURBO CUP (1988)(loriciel)[one disk]
AtariMania [?]:
Click on disk image to start download. Resume is supported. Download speed is low. * [ST] TURBO CUP
* [STX] TURBO CUP Challenge
HangLoose [?]:
Website may not be available at some hours. Download links are direct. Resume is supported. Download speed is low. * [ST] TURBO CUP - French Ice
* [ST] TURBO CUP - The Bladerunners - CLiMATiCS S045
* [ST] TURBO CUP - Thundercats
* [ST] TURBO CUP - Bladerunners
* [ST] TURBO CUP / flying shark / snafux / strip poker iii
* [ST] lotus TURBO callenge 2 / rugby the world CUP
* [ST] lotus TURBO challenge ii \ rugby the world CUP
* [ST] h.a.t.e/ TURBO CUP/ action fighter