Download links are direct. Resume is supported. Download speed is low. * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 051 (1989)(Automation) (Peter Beardsley Football, IMPACT, Prohibition, Tau Ceti)
* [ST] Automation Menu Disk 051 (1989)(Automation)[a] (Peter Beardsley Football, IMPACT, Prohibition, Tau Ceti)
* [ST] Automation Menu Disk 051 v2.0 (19xx)(Automation) (Peter Beardsley Football, IMPACT, Prohibition, Tau Ceti)
* [ST] Automation Menu Disk 051 v2.0 (19xx)(Automation)[a] (Peter Beardsley Football, IMPACT, Prohibition, Tau Ceti)
* [ST] Backlash (demo-playable) (1987)(Novagen) & IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[cr Ravenloft]
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 13 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 26 (1990-11-24)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 28 (1990-11-28)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 40 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 46 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 48 (1991)(IMPACT) (Boston Bomb Club, Fallen Angel (1Mb))
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 57 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 58 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 78 (1992-10-10)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 85 (1992)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 88 (1992)(IMPACT) (Dominium, IMPACT Demo)
* [ST] Nothing Personal 02 (19xx)(Nothing Personal) (IMPACT, Automation Packer v2.51, IMPACT Screen Designer)
* [ST] SuperGAU Compilation 076 (19xx)(SuperGAU) (Addicta Ball, IMPACT)
* [ST] Vectronix Compilation 069 (19xx)(Vectronix) (Hustler, IMPACT)
* [ST] Vectronix Compilation 113 (19xx)(Vectronix) (IMPACT, Xenon)
* [ST] Zuul 052 (19xx)(Zuul) (Eliminator, Nebulus, The Enforcer, IMPACT)
* [ST] Zuul 052 (19xx)(Zuul)[a] (Eliminator, Nebulus, The Enforcer, IMPACT)
* [ST] Snacman (1994)(IMPACT Software)(SW)[STF-STE]
* [ST] Snacman (1994)(IMPACT Software)(SW)[a][STF-STE]
* [STX] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)
* [STX] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[a]
* [ST] Glad - Killing IMPACT (19xx)(-)(Disk 1 of 2)[uncertain]
* [ST] Glad - Killing IMPACT (19xx)(-)(Disk 2 of 2)[uncertain]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[a2]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[b]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[cr]
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr Vectronix]
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr Vectronix][a2]
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr Vectronix][a]
PlanetEmu [?]:
Click on Télécharger button to start download. Resume is supported. Download speed is high. * [ST] Backlash (1987)(Novagen)(playable preview) & IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[cr Ravenloft]
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 13 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 26 (1990-11-24)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 28 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 40 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 46 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 48 (1991)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 57 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 58 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 78 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 85 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT Menu 88 (1992)(IMPACT)
* [ST] Glad - Killing IMPACT (19xx)(-)(Disk 1 of 2)[uncertain]
* [ST] Glad - Killing IMPACT (19xx)(-)(Disk 2 of 2)[uncertain]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[a2]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[b]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[cr]
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr Vectronix]
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr Vectronix][a2]
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr Vectronix][a]
* [ST] Snacman (1994)(IMPACT Software)(SW)(STF-STE)
EmuParadise [?]:
Click on Download Links on Quick Navigation for file list. Click on download link to start download. Some files may open new page to click download link again or to type code from image. Resume is supported. Download speed is medium. * [ST] Glad - Killing IMPACT (19xx)(-)(Disk 1 of 2)[uncertain]
* [ST] Glad - Killing IMPACT (19xx)(-)(Disk 2 of 2)[uncertain]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[a]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[a2]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[b]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)[cr]
* [ST] Snacman (1994)(IMPACT Software)(SW)[a][STF-STE]
* [ST] Snacman (1994)(IMPACT Software)(SW)[STF-STE]
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr Vectronix]
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr Vectronix][a]
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr Vectronix][a2]
TheGameArchives [?]:
Click on small disk image under banner to start download. Resume is supported. Download speed is high. * [ST] Armstice demo (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] Backlash (1987)(novagen)(playable preview) & IMPACT! (1987)(asl)[cr ravenloft]
* [ST] Dangerous fantasy (1993)(IMPACT)(ste)
* [ST] Dangerous fantasy (1993)(IMPACT)(ste)[a2]
* [ST] Dangerous fantasy (1993)(IMPACT)(ste)[a3]
* [ST] Dangerous fantasy (1993)(IMPACT)(ste)[a]
* [ST] Get ready pact (1993)(IMPACT)
* [ST] Glad (killing IMPACT) rar rar
* [ST] Glad killing IMPACT (19xx)( )(disk 1 of 2)[uncertain]
* [ST] Glad killing IMPACT (19xx)( )(disk 2 of 2)[uncertain]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(asl)
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(asl)[a2]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(asl)[b]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(asl)[cr]
* [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(asl) st rar st
* [ST] IMPACT mega sound demo (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT menu 13 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT menu 26 (1990 11 24)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT menu 28 (1990 11 28)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT menu 40 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT menu 46 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT menu 48 (1991)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT menu 57 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT menu 58 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT menu 78 (1992 10 10)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT menu 85 (1992)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT menu 88 (1992)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT miusic (19xx)(IMPACT)(ste)
* [ST] IMPACT rar rar
* [ST] IMPACT sound 1 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] IMPACT uk demo disk 25 (19xx)(IMPACT uk)
* [ST] IMPACT uk demo disk 26 (19xx)(IMPACT uk)(ste)
* [ST] IMPACT uk demo disk 27 (19xx)(IMPACT uk)
* [ST] IMPACT uk demo disk 31 (19xx)(IMPACT uk)
* [ST] IMPACT uk educational disk 2 (19xx)(IMPACT uk)
* [ST] Mais vous etes fous (1990 09 15)(IMPACT)
* [ST] Place to be again (1994 08)(eagles eko IMPACT)(ste)(disk 1 of 2)
* [ST] Place to be again (1994 08)(eagles eko IMPACT)(ste)(disk 1 of 2)[a]
* [ST] Place to be again (1994 08)(eagles eko IMPACT)(ste)(disk 2 of 2)
* [ST] Place to be again (1994 08)(eagles eko IMPACT)(ste)(disk 2 of 2)[a]
* [ST] Ravepact party (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] Snacman (1994)(IMPACT software)(sw)(stf ste)
* [ST] Snacman (1994)(IMPACT software)(sw)[a](stf ste)
* [ST] Sound demo, the (19xx)(IMPACT)(disk 1 of 2)
* [ST] Sound demo, the (19xx)(IMPACT)(disk 2 of 2)
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr vectronix]
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr vectronix][a2]
* [ST] Team (1995)(IMPACT)[cr vectronix][a]
* [ST] Town and country (1992)(IMPACT)(disk 1 of 2)[1 meg]
* [ST] Town and country (1992)(IMPACT)(disk 2 of 2)[1 meg]
* [ST] Tripes du st, les compil 1 (19xx)(IMPACT)
* [ST] T and c megademo (1992)(IMPACT)(disk 1 of 2)
* [ST] T and c megademo (1992)(IMPACT)(disk 2 of 2)
* [ST] Ultimate 3d dots (1993)(IMPACT)[a2][tos 1 04 or higher]
* [ST] Ultimate 3d dots (1993)(IMPACT)[a][tos 1 04 or higher]
* [ST] Ultimate 3d dots (1993)(IMPACT)[tos 1 04 or higher]
* [ST] Zeika blonka screen (19ww)(IMPACT)
TheOldComputer [?]:
Registration is required to download files. Email activation is required to download files. Click on download link to start download. Resume is supported. Download speed is low. * [ST] IMPACT! (1987)(ASL)
Le coin info de Tof [?]:
French Language. Click on disk image to start download. Resume is supported. Download speed is low. * [STF] Killing IMPACT
AtariMania [?]:
Click on disk image to start download. Resume is supported. Download speed is low. * [STX] IMPACT
HangLoose [?]:
Website may not be available at some hours. Download links are direct. Resume is supported. Download speed is low. * [ST] Boston Bomb Club - VMAX - IMPACT 48 - CLiMATiCS S455
* [ST] Burger Man - IMPACT 46 - CLiMATiCS S451
* [ST] Fallen Angel - ELITE - IMPACT 48 - CLiMATiCS S455
* [ST] IMPACT - Cracked
* [ST] IMPACT - J Brothers
* [ST] IMPACT - Ravenloft
* [ST] IMPACT - Xyzzy
* [ST] Killing IMPACT - Elite - Disk 1
* [ST] Killing IMPACT - Elite - Disk 2
* [ST] Killing IMPACT Demo - Vectronix
* [ST] Off Road Racer - The Empire - IMPACT of TSG 28 - CLiMATiCS S437
* [ST] The Blues Brothers - IMPACT 46 - CLiMATiCS S451
* [STF] Killing IMPACT - Preview - Vectronix
* [STF] KillingIMPACT
* [STF] Killing IMPACT - Supremacy
* [STF] Killing IMPACT Demo - David R
* [STHD] Killing IMPACT Preview - Vectronix
* [ST] peter beardsley football / IMPACT / prohibition / tau ceti
* [ST] eliminator/ nebulus/ the enforcer/ IMPACT
* [ST] glad (killing IMPACT) 1/2
* [ST] glad (killing IMPACT) 1/2
* [ST] addicta ball (42-crew) / IMPACT
* [ST] hustler / IMPACT
DBUG [?]:
Download links are direct. Resume is supported. Download speed is low. * [STHD] IMPACT