
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 002 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-) (Virus, Trifid 2, Trantor, Plutos Joe Blade Extenser,es EAGLEs NEST)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 002 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a2] (Virus, Trifid 2, Trantor, Plutos Joe Blade Extenser,es EAGLEs NEST)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 002 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a3] (Virus, Trifid 2, Trantor, Plutos Joe Blade Extenser,es EAGLEs NEST)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 002 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a4] (Virus, Trifid 2, Trantor, Plutos Joe Blade Extenser,es EAGLEs NEST)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 002 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a] (Virus, Trifid 2, Trantor, Plutos Joe Blade Extenser,es EAGLEs NEST)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 002 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[m LGD] (Virus, Trifid 2, Trantor, Plutos Joe Blade Extenser,es EAGLEs NEST)
   * [ST] Regression Therapy Menu Disk 1 (19xx)(MUG UK) (Black Tiger, Into the EAGLEs NEST, Army Moves, Wizzball)
   * [ST] Regression Therapy Menu Disk 1 (19xx)(MUG UK)[a] (Black Tiger, Into the EAGLEs NEST, Army Moves, Wizzball)
   * [ST] SuperGAU Compilation 063 (19xx)(SuperGAU) (Altair, Into The EAGLEs` NEST)
   * [ST] SuperGAU Compilation 905 (19xx)(SuperGAU) (Into The EAGLE`S NEST ,Metropolis)
   * [ST] Vectronix Compilation 089 (19xx)(Vectronix) (Into The EAGLEs NEST)
   * [ST] Zuul 147 (19xx)(Zuul) (Grand prix 500cc, Bivouac, Les Dieux De La Mer,Into the EAGLEs NEST, Super Scramble Simulator)
   * [STX] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Mindscape)[!]
   * [STX] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Mindscape)[a]
   * [ST] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Pandora)
   * [ST] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Pandora)[a]

PlanetEmu [?]:

   * [ST] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Pandora)
   * [ST] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Pandora)[a]
   * [STX] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Mindscape)[!]
EmuParadise [?]:

   * [ST] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Mindscape)[!]
   * [ST] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Mindscape)[a]
   * [ST] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Pandora)
   * [ST] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Pandora)[a]
TheGameArchives [?]:

   * [ST] IntotheEAGLEsNEST mindscape
   * [ST] Into the EAGLEs NEST (1987)(pandora)
   * [ST] Into the EAGLEs NEST (1987)(pandora)[a]
TheOldComputer [?]:

   * [ST] Into the EAGLE's NEST (1987)(Pandora)
AtariMania [?]:

   * [STX] Into the EAGLE's NEST
   * [STX] Into the EAGLE's NEST
HangLoose [?]:

   * [ST] Into The EAGLEs NEST - AHA
   * [ST] Into The EAGLEs NEST - Boss
   * [ST] Into The EAGLEs NEST - CSS
   * [ST] Into The EAGLEs NEST - Cray Cracking Claw
   * [ST] Into The EAGLEs NEST - Scientist
   * [ST] Into the EAGLEs NEST - D-bug
   * [STHD] Into The EAGLEs NEST - Dbug
   * [ST] into the EAGLEs NEST / trantor the last stormtrooper / extensor / knightmare / plutos / virus / joe blade / trifide ii
   * [ST] into the EAGLEs NEST / ocean battle ship / black lamp / break out / dragon force
   * [ST] into the EAGLEs NEST / trantor the last stormtrooper / extensor / knightmare / virus / joe blade / trifide ii / plutos
   * [ST] into the EAGLE's NEST
   * [ST] into the EAGLEs NEST
   * [ST] altair (42-crew) / into the EAGLEs` NEST (cray cracking claw)
   * [ST] into the EAGLE`s NEST (the scientist) / metropolis (42-crew)
   * [ST] into the EAGLEs NEST
DBUG [?]:

   * [STHD] Into The EAGLEs NEST

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