
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 344 (19xx)(Automation) (Sly Spy, DAYS of THUNDER, Turtle Groves, Fourfit, The Mill)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 344 (19xx)(Automation)[a2] (Sly Spy, DAYS of THUNDER, Turtle Groves, Fourfit, The Mill)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 344 (19xx)(Automation)[a3] (Sly Spy, DAYS of THUNDER, Turtle Groves, Fourfit, The Mill)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 344 (19xx)(Automation)[a] (Sly Spy, DAYS of THUNDER, Turtle Groves, Fourfit, The Mill)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 344 (19xx)(Automation)[m LGD] (Sly Spy, DAYS of THUNDER, Turtle Groves, Fourfit, The Mill)
   * [ST] Bad Brew Crew Menu Disk 18 (19xx)(Bad Brew Crew) (Time Machine, DAYS Of THUNDER, Ruff 'n' Ready)
   * [ST] Bad Brew Crew Menu Disk 18 (19xx)(Bad Brew Crew)[b] (Time Machine, DAYS Of THUNDER, Ruff 'n' Ready)
   * [ST] Blue Software Menu Disk 18 (19xx)(Blue Software) (Time Machine, DAYS Of THUNDER, Ruff 'n' Ready)
   * [ST] Dodgysoft Menu 094 (1990)(Dodgysoft)[a] (Sly Spy, DAYS of THUNDER, Turtle Groove, Fourfit, The Mill)
   * [ST] Dodgysoft Menu 094 (19xx)(Dodgysoft) (Sly Spy, DAYS of THUNDER, Turtle Groove, Fourfit, The Mill)
   * [ST] Enigma Menu Disk 037 (19xx)(Enigma) (Atoms, DAYS of THUNDER, Starball, Well'ard)
   * [ST] Flame of Finland Menu 36 (1990)(FOF)(Disk 1 of 2)(Part A) (Back to the Future pt.2, DAYS of THUNDER, Shadow of the Beast (boot))
   * [ST] Flame of Finland Menu 36 (1990)(FOF)(Disk 1 of 2)(Part A)[a] (Back to the Future pt.2, DAYS of THUNDER, Shadow of the Beast (boot))
   * [ST] SuperGAU Compilation 858 (19xx)(SuperGAU) (Back To The Future II, DAYS Of THUNDER, Shadow Of The Beast A (FoF Menu # 36a))
   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Empire]
   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]

PlanetEmu [?]:

   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Empire]
   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]
EmuParadise [?]:

   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Empire]
   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]
TheGameArchives [?]:

   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER (1990)(mindscape)[cr empire]
   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER (1990)(mindscape)[cr replicants st amigos]
   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER (1990)(mindscape)[cr replicants st amigos] st rar st
TheOldComputer [?]:

   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]
AtariMania [?]:

HangLoose [?]:

   * [ST] DAYS Of THUNDER - Empire
   * [ST] DAYS Of THUNDER - The Replicants - CLiMATiCS S322
   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER - Demo Version
   * [ST] DAYS of THUNDER - Replicants
   * [ST] sly spy / DAYS of THUNDER / turtle groves / fourfit / the mill
   * [ST] back to the future pt.2 / DAYS of THUNDER / shadow of the beast (boot)
   * [ST] time machine / DAYS of THUNDER / ruff 'n' ready
   * [ST] back to the future ii (replicants) / DAYS of THUNDER (replicants) / shadow of the beast a (replicants)

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