
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 034 (1989)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a2] (BUBBLE BOBBLE, Hyperdrome, Hellbent, Gl Soccer, Money)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 034 (1989)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[a] (BUBBLE BOBBLE, Hyperdrome, Hellbent, Gl Soccer, Money)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 034 (1989)(LSD - Was -Not Was-)[m LGD] (BUBBLE BOBBLE, Hyperdrome, Hellbent, Gl Soccer, Money)
   * [ST] Automation Menu Disk 034 (19xx)(LSD - Was -Not Was-) (BUBBLE BOBBLE, Hyperdrome, Hellbent, Gl Soccer, Money)
   * [ST] D-Bug Menu Disk 095 (19xx)(D-Bug)(Disk 2 of 2) (Sensible Scoccer data, Count Ducula 2, Q2, BUBBLE BOBBLE 92, Docs,)
   * [ST] D-Bug Menu Disk 095 (19xx)(D-Bug)(Disk 2 of 2)[a] (Sensible Scoccer data, Count Ducula 2, Q2, BUBBLE BOBBLE 92, Docs,)
   * [ST] D-Bug Menu Disk 166 (19xx)(D-Bug) (Airbus USA Edition + Codes [vanished?] DOCS:- BUBBLE BOBBLE, Sleeping Dogs Lie,)
   * [ST] Fuzion CD 005 (19xx)(Fuzion) (Virus, BUBBLE BOBBLE, Cloud Kingdoms, Tetris, Renaissance 1)
   * [ST] Klapauzius Menu Disk 09 (19xx)(Klapauzius) (221b Baker Street, BUBBLE BOBBLE.(+trainer, +HiScore saver), ST Soccer, Crazy Cars (+trainer), Klax.(+trainer, +HiScore saver))
   * [ST] Klapauzius Menu Disk 09 v2.0 (2004)(Klapauzius) (221b Baker Street, BUBBLE BOBBLE.(+trainer, +HiScore saver), ST Soccer, Crazy Cars (+trainer), Klax.(+trainer, +HiScore saver))
   * [ST] Pompey Pirates Menu Disk 026 (19xx)(Pompey Pirates) (Rainbow islands, BUBBLE BOBBLE, Music programs)
   * [ST] Pompey Pirates Menu Disk 026 v2.0 (19xx)(Pompey Pirates) (Rainbow islands, BUBBLE BOBBLE, Music programs)
   * [ST] Pompey Pirates Menu Disk 026 v2.0 (19xx)(Pompey Pirates)[a] (Rainbow islands, BUBBLE BOBBLE, Music programs)
   * [ST] SuperGAU Compilation 013 (19xx)(SuperGAU) (BUBBLE BOBBLE Construction Set, Invisibility-Patch - Barbarian (Psygnosis), Snds Tex, Starglider)
   * [ST] SuperGAU Compilation 086 (19xx)(SuperGAU) (BUBBLE BOBBLE, Wizball)
   * [ST] SuperGAU Compilation 580 (19xx)(SuperGAU) (Bmx Simulator, BUBBLE BOBBLE)
   * [ST] SuperGAU Compilation 906 (19xx)(SuperGAU) (BUBBLE BOBBLE, Leviathan)
   * [ST] SuperGAU Compilation 953 (19xx)(SuperGAU) (BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - Extended Levels)
   * [ST] Vectronix Compilation 096 (19xx)(Vectronix) (Bomb Jack, BUBBLE BOBBLE)
   * [ST] Zuul 041 (19xx)(Zuul) (Satan- BUBBLE BOBBLE- The Munster)
   * [STX] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[!]
   * [STX] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[a2]
   * [STX] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[a]
   * [STX] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[different version]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug][a3]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug][a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Hell on Wheels]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Lord]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Lord][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Lord][a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr TEX][t]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[m Noid]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Firebird)[h]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Firebird)[h][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Firebird)[h][a]

PlanetEmu [?]:

   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Electricbug]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Electricbug][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Electricbug][a3]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Electricbug][a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Hell on Wheels]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Lord]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Lord][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Lord][a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr TEX][t]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[m Noid]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Taito)[h]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Taito)[h][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Taito)[h][a]
   * [STX] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[!]
EmuParadise [?]:

   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[!]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug][a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug][a3]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Hell on Wheels]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Lord]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Lord][a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr Lord][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[cr TEX][t]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[different version]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Firebird)[m Noid]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Firebird)[h]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Firebird)[h][a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Firebird)[h][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE Construction Kit (19xx)(-)
TheGameArchives [?]:

   * [ST] BUBBLEBOBBLE firebird
   * [ST] BUBBLEBOBBLE taito
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(firebird)[cr electricbug]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(firebird)[cr electricbug][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(firebird)[cr electricbug][a3]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(firebird)[cr electricbug][a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(firebird)[cr hell on wheels]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(firebird)[cr lord]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(firebird)[cr lord][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(firebird)[cr lord][a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(firebird)[cr tex][t]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(firebird)[m noid]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(taito)[cr electricbug][a2] st rar st
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(taito)[cr electricbug][a] st rar st
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(taito)[cr electricbug] st rar st
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 extended screens (1987)(firebird)[h]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 extended screens (1987)(firebird)[h][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 extended screens (1987)(firebird)[h][a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE construction kit (19xx)( )
TheOldComputer [?]:

   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Electricbug]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Electricbug][a2]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Electricbug][a]
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (1987)(Taito)[cr Hell on Wheels]
NoFragments [?]:

   * [STF] Godlenes - BUBBLE BOBBLE
   * [STF] Godboy - BUBBLE BOBBLE
AtariMania [?]:

HangLoose [?]:

   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE Construction Set - Bladerunners
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE Extended Screens 2 - Elite
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE Extended Screens - Elite
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE Strikes Again - Beerdrinkers Edition - Elite
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE - D-bug
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE - Great Alliance
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE - Hell on wheels
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE - Klapauzius
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE - Magician
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE - Mr R Crackings Ltd
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE - The Lord
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE - electricbug
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - elite
   * [ST] Q2 BUBBLE BOBBLE 1992 - D-Bug
   * [ST] Starglider - Boss Barbarian Cheat BUBBLE BOBBLE editor
   * [ST] The BUBBLE BOBBLE Kit - CLiMATiCS S318
   * [STF] BUBBLE BOBBLE 1.1 - Reservoir Gods
   * [STF] BUBBLE BOBBLE 16.0 - Reservoir Gods
   * [STF] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2000 FB3 Demo - Reservoir Gods
   * [STF] BUBBLE BOBBLE Early Preview - Reservoir Gods
   * [STF] BUBBLE BOBBLE Maggie Preview - Reservoir Gods
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE Construction Kit
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE Editor - 1988
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE Editor - Mhmb
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE Kit v2.0
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE / hyperdrome / hellbent / gl soccer / money
   * [ST] sensible soccer data (sensible) / count duckula ii + (alternative) / q2 BUBBLE BOBBLE 92 (q2)
   * [ST] virus / cloud kingdoms / renaissance / tetris / BUBBLE BOBBLE
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE / rainbow islands
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE / rainbow islands
   * [ST] dynamite dux / hunter / BOBBLE BUBBLE construktion kit
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE / hyperdrome / hellbent / g.l. soccer / money g'day cobber
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE construction kit
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE extended screens 1
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE construction kit
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE extended screens 1
   * [ST] starglider (boss & pet) / snds tex (me (tex)) / BUBBLE BOBBLE construction set / invisibility-patch for barbarian
   * [ST] wizball (thze scotch crackers - tsc) / BUBBLE BOBBLE (the magician)
   * [ST] bmx simulator / BUBBLE BOBBLE (aff)
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE (mr. r crackings ltd.) / leviathan (aod)
   * [ST] BUBBLE BOBBLE 2 - extended levelsmsa 1.41
   * [ST] bomb jack / BUBBLE BOBBLE
DBUG [?]:


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